Its Simple - Build and Dig! Attention! The game incorrectly behaves on devices with the Android version 5.0 and higher! As well as on all other versions of OS with switching
It's Simple - Build and Dig!
Attention! The game incorrectly behaves on devices with the Android version 5.0 and higher! As well as on all other versions of the OS with the included ART execution environment!
The project is under development!
Language: only Russian.
There was a Painted World project. Pretty strange, terribly funny and not very finalized. This was my first game for Android (2012). However, unexpectedly for me, people liked the project. Many people still play it. People liked the idea itself (no matter how banal it is)
Very often they demanded that I revive the project .... Actually, what I did.
Painted World 2: A certain cocktail, in which we add minecraft ideas, Terraria ideas, our ideas, add 2D and beat all this to a two -dimensional game with a view of the top and get this.
The brief essence of the project. You appear in the endless world (oh how trite) and begin your adventure in this world :) There will be RPG elements (quests and so on).
Mechanics of the game (including planned):
- The world is divided into chambers
- underground world in several levels in the flesh to the underworld
- Alternative world
- quests, characters in the game, villages, etc.
- Just a huge bunch of content!
- You will see the rest yourself)
If you find a mistake or a shortcoming in the game, as well as if you have ideas, welcome to our forum:
Wiki Project:
New wood blocks
Added a new Kirka: Great Capolun.
Recalculation of the speed of Kirik.
Correction of bugs version 0.01.05. The world is no longer deleted by itself.